Exdion Coverage Gap

Coverage Insurance Gap analysis is an effective way for a business to discover uninsured and under-insured exposures.


  • Presents information in an easy-to-digest format while making complex topics accessible with straightforward language.

  • Lists out all coverages and also any specific exclusions which will affect the coverage.

insurance gap analysis

Mitigate E&O

With Exdion Coverage Gap, we address what may be the highest broker liability risk: coverage gaps. These gaps involve limits, exclusions, coverage costs, and retentions. Some of the largest brokers have faced multi-million-dollar judgments related to covered and uncovered risks.

Let’s Create Solutions Together

Partner with Exdion & be future ready


  • Provides insights into key E&O related coverages & exclusions.

  • Helps in writing new business and growing existing clients.

  • Allows producers and account managers to quickly recognize potential risks on a policy.

  • Eliminates potential E&O risks that can come from non-recognition of risk by the broker.

  • Enables the broker to deliver the highest levels of risk advice including industry-specific and special risks.

Confident businesswoman commenting marketing results to colleagues at meeting

How The Platform Works?

We work with you to set up a standard coverage checklist for your client types and policies so that no gaps exist in the insurance. 

Exdion Xtract will help you identify coverage gaps so that your clients' risks are understood better. You can get back on track with Prior term policies or applications.

Client Testimonials - Decision Drivers

“We were used to manually checking policies and with our rapid growth, we were concerned that we might be limiting ourselves. Policy checking is time consuming and can impact our teammates’ ability to invest time in our customers. We were searching for a technology solution to both free up our team and reduce the potential of errors and omissions.”   He explained that “After considering various options, Exdion Policy Check, was clearly the best solution due to the fast turn-around time, ease of use, time savings on the back end and the degree of accuracy that we demand. Now, our team can focus better on our clients and other custom-tailored solutions we offer to them.”

Jason Vandeberghe
Profit Center Leader at Brown & Brown of Michigan

“It was a fairly easy decision for us. Policy checking was always a heavy process that took a lot of time away from our quality control team. As an agency, we pride ourselves on our processes and place emphasis on delivering a superior customer experience. With ExdionPOD, we expect to significantly cut down the time taken to check policies and also extract costs savings and efficiency.”

Cody Mast
Commercial Operations Manager at Hummel

“We are very excited to work with the team at ExdionPOD.  We have been heavily investing in technology over the last four years. One of our key areas of focus is to automate but only where it makes sense, which for us is defined by enabling our team to more efficiently, effectively, and individually service our clients and customers. ExdionPOD makes perfect sense.  By using the platform, we will be able to re-allocate time away from manual document processing and into time spent enhancing our relationships with and properly advising our clients.  ExdionPOD enables us to continue to raise the standard for the high-quality services we provide.”

Judson Norton
Managing Principal at Erwin

“At Iroquois, our focus is on providing value to our member agencies. ExdionPOD is a powerful platform that significantly cuts down the time required to check policies. In the current context, this allows agencies to refocus their energies on client relationships and risk advisory roles.”

Charlie Venus
VP Middle market, and Specialty at Iroquois Group

“Our operations teams were looking to improve efficiency in the policy checking process and we knew that it had to be done through technology. After reviewing multiple other technologies and solutions in the market, we chose ExdionPOD. We find that ExdionPOD is a reliable solution that can bring in tangible cost savings and efficiency improvements to our organization.”

Vikash Kaul
Chief Technology Officer at EPIC
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